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Spring Trust for Trails
Contributions Help a LOT
Spring Trust for Trails was founded using Ira and Pat Spring Royalties from book sales as well as social security checks. The fund started very modestly but Thanks to a Donation from REI in 2008, Ira started accepting donations to build the Trust to what it is today. After their deaths Pat and Ira donated some proceeds from their small Estates as well as Vicky and John Spring contributed in 2017 to grow the fund. Outside donations are received every year as well as Trustee donations.
Big or small all donations are totally tax deductible and go 100% to funding trail projects selected by the Trustees every year, that have personal knowledge of the outcome of the Grant by visiting the projects. Grants are done along guidelines set early on by Pat and Ira, to be hiker trails and back far enough into the Wilds to get work done that might not get done otherwise.
Good news is if you are interested in contributing to a trail cause we listen carefully to your donation of your priorities and will help find the resources to get it done.
By your contributions we are able to leverage Land Managers to paying closer attention to their priorities, literally putting our mouth is to get attention to trails. We can make your donation go a long way towards encouraging land managers to care for hiking trails.
The beauty of living in the Pacific Northwest for us is the ability to enjoy recreation so close to where we live and work. However, someone has to build/maintain those recreation trails and your donation is going 100% to that trail work and our quality of life here. Federal and local government dollars are really limited it is donations like yours that really strive to allow us to get attention to land managers to keep trails viable
The difference of contributing here is we support many different organizations and you know your funds go to the organization needing it most and is 100% going to the ground.
We appreciate your thoughts as well as dedication of funds. The concept of helping many organizations is literally a good way to spread out the money over many worthy projects of various organizations we have qualified.
Ken, Vicky, Gary, Tom and John .. Trustees
The Spring Trail Fund’s Federal IRS tax ID number is 91-6512799 and it is an established Foundation under IRS 509(a)(3) with compliance to the guidelines of 501(c)(3). As well as a registered Foundation in the State of Washington.
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